The story, as broken over at Kotaku is that in the lastest issue of Famitsu Weekly, Sega has annouced it's bringing its widely popular mech-battle series "Virtual On" to the Xbox Live Arcade. This has already started speculation that other popular Dreamcast titles, that Sega has recently re-trademarked, are going to be making their way over to the XBLA as well.
Honestly? I was a proud owner of my Dreamcast, and I loved the hell out of the Virtual On series, especially OT, which is getting the port this time around. With the 360's twin analog sticks, console players are going to finally be able to play it like it should be played, without having to buy twin sticks seperately.
Check the video to see what Virtual On is all about:
No, the video is not sped up. The game is actually that fast.
Oh and Sega? If you port Jet Grind Radio, you'll break my WoW addiction. And I will make sweet love to you, forever.
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